Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Four Day Weekend!

The world is right with a coffee...
Today I managed to duck out of the office a little early. This was due to my desire to begin my four day weekend as well as the fact that I was running out of things to do...and things that my mind could handle. In the middle of the day a terrible migraine popped up and almost took me out. But after a ton of water, some queso and carrots, and Advil, my migraine was disappearing and I was a functioning member of society. Well. For the most part.
So I ducked out, in my rain boots, that were purchased yesterday due to total soakage while walking around Seattle the past few days, grabbed my signature drink (Grande Skinny Caramel Macchiato) and waited for the 252 to show up. The picture pretty much sums up my wait. Relaxing because the four day weekend I have been dreaming of has arrived.
In college, four day weekends were pretty normal. There was always some holiday the school was close for. In the real world, though, those days are few and far between. So four whole like magic. My weekend is already planned! Aside from Thanksgiving my plans consist of lounging around in pajamas, eating at our local breakfast place, playing video games, and spending quality time with my husband that I see so rarely, or so it seems.
I know that this is also a time to be thankful. And believe me, I am thankful. I'm about as thankful as I can be....for the four day weekend.

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