Friday, January 13, 2012

A little fun with questions

Kate from Diary of a Blonde tagged me in this cute little interview thing. So let's give it a whirl!

1. You must post these rules.
2. Each per­son must post 11 things about them­selves on their blog.
3. Answer the questions the tag­ger set for you in their post, and cre­ate 11 new ques­tions for the people you tag to answer.
4. You have to choose 11 peo­ple to tag and link them on the post.
5. Go to their page and tell them you have linked him or her.
6. No tag backs.

Facts About Moi:
1. Graduating from college has been my greatest achievement to date. It only took six years which also included countless boyfriends, two engagements and one marriage! 
2. My favorite piece of jewelry is my wedding ring, my next favorite is all of my Peridot jewelry.
3. My love of Mexican food drives my husband bonkers. Whenever he suggests we go out to eat, my list consists of all of my favorite Mexican restaurants. His list generally consists of Thai, Sushi and Chinese. Problems tend to arise. 
4. I have a strong aversion to self-professed "Bitches" and "Bad Boys". I, especially, don't like bad boys. They're rude, caustic, and worthless. Why would I go for a bad boy when a nerd is so much cuter?
5. Toxic friends are one of my biggest pet peeves. Ditto on toxic significant others.
6. Accounting is something I'm doing for the time being, but probably don't want to do for the long term. 
7.  My favorite food is Mac & Cheese with a can of Tuna. Whenever I'm down, my husband will make me a bowl to cheer me up. It generally does the job.
8. I absolutely love the beauty of Seattle. It's gorgeous here. But I could do without the traffic.
9. The Hunger Games Trilogy is one of my top five book series of all time
10. I haven't had a hair cut since's January. 
11. I love the style from eras that have long passed, especially the 40s 50s and 60s.

Q's From Kate:
1. Who is your favorite Disney Princess and why? Ariel. She risked everything for someone she loved and nearly lost it all.
2. If you could change your major, what would you change it to? Either Astrophysics (which was my original major prior to Accounting) or Midwifery
3. What is your best talent? Coding websites, despite my lack of training and probably my ability to sing.
4. Where would you most like to travel to? Aix-en-Provence in France. <3
5. What is your New Years Resolution? To lose weight, to be healthier, to take care of myself and my marriage.
6. Sweet or Savory? Both. At the same time. Yum.
7. What was the last song you listened to? Ellie Goulding's "Your Biggest Mistake"
8. Which celebrity would you have sex with, no questions asked? Ewan McGregor. I hope my husband isn't reading this...
9. What is your favorite TV show and why is it so great? 30 Rock. It can make me double over laughing  every time.
10. Would you rather be at the beach or in the snow? Both are awesome, but there's something that is wonderful about an ocean beach
11. What is your heritage? Irish. From my freckles down to my temper.

Q's From Me:
1. What is one item you can not live without?
2. If you could live anywhere in the world, money not being an object, where would you live?
3. What's something that can move you to tears because of it's beauty?
4. What is your greatest achievement to date?
5. Which celebrity would you have sex with, assuming your significant other was out of the picture?
6. What is your dream job and why would you want to do it?
7. What is something you wish to achieve in the future?
8. What is your comfort food when you're down?
9. What is your favorite kind of chocolate?
10. What is your all time favorite song?
11. What is your favorite thing about the current season?

11 Friends:
1. Colleen
2. Danielle
3. James
4. Hailey
5. Tim
6. Tom
7. Stephanie
8. Jeremy
9. Aly
10. Lacey
11. Courtney

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