Lately, there have been many posts on my facebook regarding people being thankful for something each day. This is a brilliant idea, to state what you're thankful for, as it makes you realize how thankful you are for the things you take for granted. The only downfall is, I don't particularly care for some people's thankfulness...nor their terrible grammar. I decided to follow suit, because, like I said, I think it's important you vocalize what you're thankful for, but without spamming my friends' news feeds.
So, ten things I'm thankful for...
My husband. The man who is always on my side, makes me laugh, brightens my day, and loves me despite my problem...of being insane. He was crazy enough to marry me after four months of dating, and even though many people doubted our relationship would last without out any outside forces, let alone weather things like a terrible economy, financial problems, life changes, we still are trucking along. Me and him. Him and I. We're in it for the long haul. And I'm thankful that the man I'm going to spend the rest of my days with is him.
My family. The people who raised me and shaped me into the woman I am today. They have helped me accomplish so much in my life and have picked me up when I have fallen down. And I have fallen down quite a few times. They bought me my first car, pushed me through college, and were my emotional life lines. And while they make me
insane sometimes, I love them with all of my heart.
My In-Laws. My second family, is what this should say. The people who took us into their home and have allowed us to live there while we get our feet under us. They have been understanding, patient, and loving. I love them both very much. And I couldn't be more thankful for them.
Sasha. Our little bundle of fur and urine. Thankfully she doesn't smell like urine as much as she used to! Sasha has been our little baby since we met her that day in January. She has grown up so much and is the sweetest, kindest dog I've ever known. When we have children, she is going to love to have someone that can play with her.
Stephy. When you've known someone since you were twelve and you're not twenty-five, to say you have some history is a grave understatement. This woman. She had loved me, when others have kicked me down. Always, and I mean
always been there for me. She has stood up for me. Loved me. Protected me. And been one of the greatest friends in the world. I feel lucky to be her best friend and to be involved with her and her pregnancy. To be part of this life-changing moment. I love her so much and I hope she knows that.
Education. Having an education is, for sure, a good way to get a step up in the world. Which is why I'm so thankful for it. Thankful for having the opportunity to study something that will impact my future and my family's future.
A Job. With a capital J. Something that does so much more than pay the bills. I feel so blessed to have something while many of my friend struggle to make ends meet and fight the economy.
Friends. I'm thankful for those that have supported me and loved me through everything. Especially the ones that were there for all of my exciting moments in life.
Family Friends. In particular one. My mother's best friend. The woman who held me after I cried my eyes out after going to a friend's funeral even though she was having a dinner party. She kept my mother sane during the planning of my wedding. She has loved me and my family for as long as I've known her and I'm forever thankful for her.
Love. It really does make the world go 'round.